Free and Easy Returns
You have 15 days from the date your order is shipped to request a prepaid return shipping label online. Visit our FAQ for our full return policy.
American Addresses | ||
Standard (orders over $99) | 3-5 Days | FREE |
Standard | 3-5 Days | $15 |
Purchases under $800 | NO DUTIES |
Purchases over $800 | Duties applicable |
Canadian Addresses | ||
Standard (orders over $99)
3-5 Days
Standard | 3-5 Days | $10 |
Online orders take 2 to 3 days to fulfill
Free standard shipping offer is valid on orders placed on and with a minimum purchase value of $99 after discounts and before taxes or any other associated fees are applied. Offer cannot be applied to past purchases. Additional restrictions may apply.
Visit our Orders & Shipping FAQ for more information on shipping rates and delivery times.
International Addresses
Note: International shipping, outside of the US and Canada, is temporarily unavailable. We look forward to shipping around the world again soon!